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The Jonestown Re-enactment
Performane Art
reliving the 
past... to survive the future

Other Projects
The Waco Reenactment
On February 19 2000, The Times reported that a British Company; Vector Data Systems based in Peterborough is to stage a reenactment of the final day of the Waco siege, using Royal Navy (UK) helicopters armed with infra red imaging systems.
The reenactment will take place in March near Fort Hood Texas, using Tanks and automatic weapons will cost around £500,000.
The reenactment is not apparently being staged for artistic reasons, but to try to establish if the ATF agents were culpable for the deaths of the Branch Davidian group, including their leader David Koresh.
It is widely believed that the ATF were responsible for opening fire on the community during last day. There have also been allegations that incendiary weapons were used in combination with tear gas. This dual use is known to produce a deadly fireball containing cyanide.

site created by: John Lundberg and Rod Dickinson BackTop