The Jonestown Re-enactment
1234567About the Re-enactment
reliving the past... to survive the future

Examinations at the scene were carried out by Guyana's leading pathologist, Dr Mootoo. According to Jim Hougan, a journalist and producer of a documentary of The People's Temple, Motoo claimed to have given the medical evidence to a foreign service officer at the U.S. Embassy. That evidence has never surfaced, nor has the officer. Mootoo refused to talk to the press and leading forensic pathologists have commented about the absence of autopsies and use of embalming at the scene.
Many of the dead were identified by survivors, while others wore plastic wrist-bracelets. All of these i.d.'s were ordered removed just before the dead were eventually shipped back to the US and they arrived, anonymously, in body-bags. No-one knows why. The Guyanese records were destroyed in a fire set by local politicians, who pleaded guilty to the crime without explaining it. Forensic records are unprofessional and incomplete.
Every qualified pathologist knows samples for toxicological analysis must be taken and handled in a particular manner. If there is the slightest possibility of criminal action, the samples must be meticulously labelled and identified, placed into the appropriate tube then immediately labelled with the deceased's name and date.

Autopsy kit supplied by British home Office Forensic Service for collection of toxicological samples. There are tubes for liver and stomach contents, containers for blood and urine and a bottle for blood alcohol.

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