The Jonestown Re-enactment
1234567About the Re-enactment
reliving the past... to survive the future

Building to a climax Jones begins to expound his fears of a nuclear holocaust, and the short future America faces. And revealing the millenarium foundations of the Peoples Temple theology,
"Capitalism has brought us to the threshold of thermonuclear war and you are the people upon whom the ends of the world have come."
see the script at this point
He praises the congregation,
"You are the chosen people, the avant garde"
and in a chilling moment says,
"you are going to make history...It's destined to be. Now you might not like the kind of history we make. ...but we are gonna make history."
Animated, Jones ends the sermon telling his congregation they have a promised land, across the Atlantic Ocean.
He finishes by proclaiming his own divinity,
"I am no longer a man. I am a principle and I have come to show you that ye are gods because I am God. That's what I am. The word. The spoken word. The living word, God Almighty, God Almighty."
see the script at this point

Reconstruction: Jim Jones
Portrayed by Graeme Edler

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