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Rod Dickinson's art work has focussed on an ongoing involvement and
fascination with several areas of peripheral belief; including crop cirles
and UFOs.
For the last decade he has covertly created crop circles.
His art work has been widely exhibited in contemporary art galleries which
include: Huntington Beach Art Centre, California, USA; Centre for
Contemporary Art, Glasgow, Scotland, UK; Camerawork Gallery, London, UK;
Stadtakademie, Frankfurt, Germany.
Trickster by John Roberts
Art writer and author John Roberts discusses Rod Dickinson's crop circle
work. This article has been published in the Oxford Art Journal, volume 22, No 1 1999.
Published by Oxford University Press
Kaplan By Steve Rushton: editor of Everything Art Magazine
Text on the structure of belief, and belief as fable, with reference to film, literature and art.
Folks Who Make Art by Rod Dickinson
First published in the Fortean Times, this article offers an artists
perspective on anomalous phenomena.
Weird Shit Happens
Conversation between ethno botanist and author Terence McKenna and Rod
Dickinson. First published in Performance Research Journal.
Further information on Rod Dickinson can be found on
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